AI Glossary

AI Glossary

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Here are the key terms that will help you navigate the AI world.

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Affective computing

Affective computing is a computer’s ability to detect and appropriately respond to human emotions and other stimuli.

These might be the droids you are looking for. Also known as bots or intelligent agents, they are autonomous software programs that are tasked to “sense” through sensors and “act” through actuators, according to their target function. They are often used to mimic human behaviour as assistants in a variety of functions. According to Russell & Norvig, there are five classes of agents:

  • Simple reflex agents
  • Model-based reflex agents
  • Goal-based agents
  • Utility-based agents
  • Learning agents

Based on Algoritmi, the latinised name of 8th century Persian polymath, Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for calculations. First used by Dr Alan Turing in 1952, algorithms form the point of departure from which computers follow instructions. In the AI realm, algorithms can be designed to facilitate machine learning and acquire knowledge by themselves, rather than relying on strict pre-programming.

See more: How algorithms and human journalists will need to work together

Artificial intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence or (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.

See more: A short history of artificial intelligence

Analogical reasoning
Analogical reasoning is the process where people draw conclusions based on past findings. It is applied to forecast the results of any process or experiment.

Artificial neural networks (ANN)
Artificial Neural Networks are a variety of deep-learning technologies focused on solving complex signal processing or pattern recognition problems.

See more: Was that a question? Neural networks need to know

Augmented intelligence
Augmented Intelligence is an alternative conceptualization of artificial intelligence that focuses on AI’s assistive role, emphasizing the fact that it is designed to enhance human intelligence rather than replace it.

See more: "AI is an extension of human potential": Q&A with global futurologist Aric Dromi